Summary of 5 AM Club Book by Robin Sharma
Are you stuck in your life? Then the summary of 5 Am Club book is the best product for you. With the implementation of 5 am club rules, you will change your life.
5 AM club is written by Robin Sharma and it ranks in the top 5% of performers. The 5 am club helps you to get up at 5 am every morning, build a morning routine, making time for the self-improvement you need to find success.
In this book summary, we are talking about Robin Sharma’s various productive principles and techniques that will change a life, to help you transform your results, health, and happiness.
5 AM Club Summary
5 am club explained with 2 people who managed to transform their lives with the help of a teacher. One of those was an Entrepreneur whose life was falling apart, and an Artist who wanted to unlock his creativity and potential. They met a person at a party who wore dirty clothes but a costly watch also. He was a billionaire, he wore that type of clothes because he never want to forget his bad time.
The Billionaire invited them to his private island, where he teaches them those principles that will transform their life. He suggested that they will join the membership of the 5 AM club.
It entails developing the routine of rising at 5 a.m. every day, getting your day off to a good start, and forming a variety of virtuous behaviors that will multiply your success.
The Key Ideas
The Four Focuses On History Makers
The toppers are focused on their talents, so they enjoy their work without distractions. They continually improve for the best results and never give up on failure. With practice, they improved themselves day by and reach excellence.
The 20/20/20 Formula

Morning 5 am to 6 am is used as the victory hour and divided into three parts of 20/20/20 minutes. First 20 minutes do exercise that makes a healthy body, then meditation which works for a calm mind, and last planning for growth and education.
The 10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius
After Victory Hour, there are several strategies you may employ to amp up performance improvements all day long. Dedicate the first 60 minutes of your workday to the project that matters the most. Make distance from digital distractions.
First Key Idea: The Habit Installation Protocol
To form the 5 am habit or any other meaningful habit we have to continue that habit for 66 days. As our brains adapt to the habit and automatically set in a routine.
To understand more about habit you can also read our book the Power of Habit.
The Four Focuses of History Makers
Top performers concentrate on four main areas.
Capitalization IQ: The capitalization IQ is god gifted and no one changes it. Everyone is born with a specialty. We must work on how we think. We need to rewrite our narratives and have faith in our ability to do great things. Many people follow adult life and never work on their interests but we have to work on our abilities and our specialty.
Freedom from distraction: We are focusing on making countless ideas rather than making projects. Most of the time we spend on computers and social sites which destroy our time is a major distraction that bonds us. We all are afraid of failure or taking risks. However, If we learn from failure then we create a way to succeed and destroy the risk factor.
We tend to prefer diversions because our primitive brain wants to fear growth and progress. The 5 AM routine helps us to cultivate solitude and overcome this conflict.
Personal Mastery Practice: We have to practice advancing for personal mastery daily and forever because mastery is a process.
So have to focus on “The four interior empires”:

1. Mindset: Do some self-talk and overview that will help you take well decisions.
2. Heart set: Get over the bad and negative feelings. You can’t produce mastery with toxic feelings.
3. Health set: With physical fitness and a great mindset can operate at their highest level of mastery.
4. Soul set: Spend time remembering who you truly are. Practice meditation and contemplation.
Day Stacking. Focus on having excellent days, and making 1% progress every day, and these days will affect the outcome.
The Second Key Idea: The Habit Installation Protocol
Developing a habit takes nearly 66 days, divided into three phases.

Destruction: A new habit will feel difficult and unpleasant at first Because at the start our minds will not be ready for this movement but with time and practice it will be formal for it.
Installation: In the beginning, it is difficult and frustrating. You’ll feel like giving up, but this is the moment when things are coming together.
Integration: With the experience and benefits of routine your brain’s wiring with it.
After 66 days it reaches the Automaticity point. It makes the habit an automatic part of our routine.
The Third Key Idea: The 20/20/20 Formula
If you want results like the top 5%, you must start 5 am wake-up because 95% of people do not follow it. You should use the first hour as a victory hour.
Some people wake up at 5 am but they don’t make plans and start the day.
We can divide the time of first hour into three 20 minutes slots and focus on our mindset, heart set, health set, and soul set.
Move: (5:00 to 5:20) Start your day with exercise. With the exercise, you can focus and starts your day in the right way. Exercise reduces calories, and sweating from a workout releases stress and negative thoughts which repairs brain cells.
Reflect: (5:20 to 5:40) Take a period of silence for the refreshment of your mind and soul. Do some meditation for creative ideas.
Grow: (5:40 to 6:00) Read some motivational or learning books that increase your knowledge. Studying the great thinkers.
For a fresh start rest also play a vital role. You still need to get quality sleep because your evening is also important as your morning routine. Disconnect from technology early and prepare for quality sleep.
From this book summary, we learned that morning is a crucial time of the day and it is a time of opportunity to start new things. So we have to focus on health, mind, and soul in our first hour. For the achievement of anything, we want a healthy body and a great mindset.